Building A Better World!

Welcome to Edunature Foundation
Empowering Communities through Education, Nature Conservation, Free Healthcare, and Social Empowerment.

Empowering Communities through Education, Nature Conservation, Free Healthcare, and Social Empowerment.

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact by providing quality education, conserving nature, delivering free healthcare services, and promoting social empowerment.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact by providing quality education, conserving nature, delivering free healthcare services, and promoting social empowerment.

What We Do

Support Education
We believe that education is a fundamental right for every child. Through our educational initiatives, we strive to provide access to quality education for underprivileged children.

Nature Conservation
We are dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural world for present and future generations, and believe in the power of education and community engagement to drive positive change and create a sustainable future.

Free Healthcare
Healthcare should be accessible to all, regardless of economic or social backgrounds. We provide provide medical services, preventive care, and health education to communities in need.

Social Empowerment
Through skill development programs, vocational training, and entrepreneurship support, we aim to uplift marginalized individuals and promote sustainable livelihoods.

Other Charitable Work
We take immense pride in our diverse range of charitable initiatives that go beyond our core focus areas. Through these efforts, we aim to address various social, economic, and health challenges, touching the lives of individuals and communities in meaningful ways.

Our Campaigns

Better Education for All
This campaign aims to address the global challenge of unequal access to quality education by raising funds and resources to support educational initiatives in underserved communities worldwide.

Green Earth : Clean Earth
This campaign aims to raise awareness and funds to support crucial initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring our planet's ecosystems, and create a harmonious and sustainable environment.

Feed the Hungry
This campaign aims to address the pressing issue of hunger by providing nutritious meals to those in need, and invites people to join hands and make a meaningful impact on the lives of the less fortunate.

Hope for Health
The campaign seeks to provide financial support for medical treatments, surgeries, and medications for individuals who cannot afford them, ensuring that their health needs are met.

Help the Helpless
This campaign aims to raise awareness and gather donations to assist the most vulnerable members of our society, and provide essential support and empower those in need to overcome their challenges and build a brighter future.